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Interview with the curators - ALTERED EMOTIONS
curated by Johanne Björklund & Camille Schaeffer
Technological advancements increasingly blur the line between the digital and the analogue world actively altering the human experience. As new inventions seep into the public as well as the private sphere, the structures and frameworks we once relied upon to understand reality feel inadequate. Our presence now extends beyond what lies within our physical reach, with our devices enabling a simultaneous presence in the digital realm. Thus we now have a dual existence, splitting our focus and engagement between the two. ...
ALTERED EMOTIONS is a group exhibition that delves into the profound impact of technological advancements on our perception and interaction with the world. Through a wide range of mediums, the exhibition employs the power of aesthetics to explore the new structures which frame our reality. Examining the interconnected space of empathy, meaning and
perception, the show offers a kaleidoscopic exploration of how we experience the world.
The exhibition features 11v151131_m06, Aaron Scheer, Anna Ehrenstein, Arne Grugel, Anna Nezhnaya, Cille Sch, Franco D. Sosio, Johannes Ehemann, Ju Schnee, Katya Quel, Tabitha
Swanson, and Zoltani + guests
The exhibition runs from the 30th of June - 22nd of July
@ ARTCO Gallery
Frobenstraße 1, 10783 Berlin

STUCK What were the reasons/requirements of selecting and curating the exhibiting artists here? What do they have in common?
Johanne & Camille The exhibition examines how our emotional capacities and perception have been altered by modern advancements. Each of the featured artists address these transformative effects in ways that are uniquely representative of their practice and visual languages. The selection can at first glance seem rather eclectic, but shown together, they create a multifaceted exploration of the topic.
STUCK How can art as a communication channel (in a broader context) contribute to the discussion of altered emotions?
Johanne & Camille We have a tendency to think of communication as being done only through words - either written or verbal - when, in fact, so much of our communication happens through non-verbal forms. The impressions and thoughts that we get through these other communication forms can often be hard to explain as they go beyond what we are capable of transmitting verbally. The alteration of our emotional capacities is something that falls within this category; we are aware that things have changed but it can feel almost overwhelming when you try to approach it. When we are dealing with complex topics, art can be an extremely effective tool as it becomes a form of physical manifestations of these thoughts and feelings, offering us a new way to access them.

STUCK Can you give us examples of works that are exhibited here to make the topic more tangible?
Johanne & Camille Two examples are Julio's Clavijo (11v151131_M06) and Anna Ehrenstein. Julio Clavijo, an artist known as 11v151131_M06 (invisible mob) uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and generative algorithms, to create images that become a window into a parallel reality. His work draws inspiration from ritualistic practices around the world and delves into imaginary narratives and timelines. Using custom image data sets and machine learning techniques, he blurs the boundaries between what is authentic and what is constructed. Anna Ehrenstein has created two pieces for the show, called “Social neuroplasticity”. As part of the research for the work, Ehrenstein made an education as a hypnotherapist in 2022. The work consists of two assemblages that come together with a binaural hypnosis that can be listened to in the exhibition space. The hypnosis is based on the virality of online and offline empathy building, virality and the findings of social neuroplasticity researcher Tania Singer.
STUCK Many artists are still drawn to and prefer analogue production techniques for their works. Do you think this will vanish in future as we lean further to the digital?
Johanne & Camille It is hard to say if more artists prefer one over the other. Most people probably already find themselves existing in a space where the border between the analogue and digital world is increasingly blurred, and this likely applies to many artists as well. Over the coming years, we will most likely see more and more artists employing digital techniques in their practice. Yet, and maybe this is just wishful thinking, it would be amazing if art could be a place where these two fields could blend and enhance each other, rather than positioning analogue and digital as two mutually exclusive worlds.
STUCKHow does the gallery space ARTCO contribute to the exhibition curatorial topic?
Johanne & Camille Throughout the process of creating the exhibition, ARTCO has contributed through feedback, conversation - and not least the invitation into their beautiful space. Founded in 2003, they moved to Schöneberg in 2021, where the 2 directors Benjamin Merten and Simon Melchers make the gallery a dynamic platform for discussions and exchanges through art and culture. By exhibiting internally curated shows as well as collaborating with external curators, they offer an ever-evolving program which connects productions from all over the world with the local art scene..

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