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Producer, sing-songwriter. DJ & Performer

RUI HO likes to experience other people’s work to give her ideas, or even just to entertain her. When lacking inspiration, she takes a step back from her music and focuses on other things, before getting back to creating.

Photography and Stylist @apieceofpinkvelvet
Artworks by
@58ghjn66.ttavi and @x1u.x1u
Science suggests humans are hard-wired to respond to music. Rui Ho’s hoping her unique mix of electronic and pop will evoke some pretty wild responses in her listeners. The DJ, singer-songwriter and producer bases her sound on her perspective as a trans-feminine, as well as her heritage: “Moving to Europe raised my interest in mixing the eastern and western pop sound,” she told us. “It's harder for me to create something super universal because of the nature of my experiences. But that makes me different at the same time.”

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